Lifestyle & Health


Being healthy isn't just about a set of rules like eating the right food, working out or sleeping on time, although these are certainly important. Being healthy is actively living consciously on different levels

The following items are in this text,

  • General Lifestyle information for Healthy Living
  • List of items that are beneficial to the human body
  • Spiritual/ Emotional things that are important
  • List of items that are/ can be harmful
  • Science & Medical

    General Lifestyle information for Healthy Living

    Body - things that affect your physical body positively can be, getting enough daily movement, for example by exercising, eat healthy, eat less refined sugars and more vegetables,

    Mind - things that affect your mind and thinking positively can be, learn new things every day; organize your life, take some time to rest, sleep on time; don't overanalyze; don't try to keep everything under control

    Emotions - things that affect your emotions and feelings positive can be, being thankful; learn to let things go, don't take everything personal; do not absorb too many negative emotions for the brain to filter

    Spirit - things that affect your spiritual body *, your energy field positively can be, take a short time daily to do meditation. Live from to compassion

    Socially - when interacting with other people, it is good to show empathy & compassion in daily communication, also to deal with 'difficult' people that are a challenge for you or if things do not go the way you planned to

    List of items that are beneficial to the human body

    - A note should be made that the human body is a complex system and there is not 'one truth' for this. You should look what fits your personality and body the best
    - Body resistance needs to be build over time; it often doesn't improve instantly as we want
    - Healing takes time; people in this modern age with fast technology want instant solutions but they often need to take a step down and just relax, enjoy and wait - Different foods have different purposes. Don't just eat hordes of one thing just because you think it's somehow beneficial. For example onions, garlic, ginger are a natural penicillin according to the Hinduistic Ayurveda teachings, and should not be consumed very much for just the taste. They are only to be taken in moderation

    Sleep - Getting sufficient sleep of at least 7/8 hours per day is about the most important thing for your health

    Water - Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water, else the body cannot regulate and filter bad materials and bacteria from your body

    Walking in nature - this is good for relaxing and becoming more quiet from within

    Prayer/ Meditation - gives healing, happiness, a sense of purpose inspite of the difficulties in life

    Carbohydrates - limit the intake of carbo hydrate rich foods per day, like bread, noodles, pasta, cakes, soft drinks, and so on. The body needs carbohydrates to function, however most people get far more than needed resulting in yeast infection, vague complaints, depressions, sleeplessness, allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases and so on

    Vegetables - tomatoes, olives, carrots, cucumber are all 'light' food

    Berries - goji berries

    Herbs/ Spices

    Fruits - apple, kiwi, orange

    Nuts - almond, walnuts, etc.

    Seeds - chia seed, flax seed, etc.

    Vitamins - Vitamine, A, B, C, D, E. Be careful, some vitamins are harmful in larger doses and can have serious implications, for example B6 & B12. Vitamins, just as all other things, should be balanced and done with care

    Minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper

    Essential Oils - coconut oil, olive oil. Can detox a lot of heavy materials gradually, like titanium dioxide, aluminium and so on. Olive oil is also beneficial to the skin. It is also possible to ingest a spoon per day to prevent bacteria and keep the body in balance, especially if your diet is not too healthy on average

    Probiotics - are good to build up positive bacteria in the body, which is needed for some functions

    Proteine/ Creatine - you don't only need it for muscles but also for other things like hair growth, etc.

    Silicon - naturally comes from our groundwater and is a basis for processing vitamins and minerals in our body

    Apple Cider Vinegar - the taste can be very sharp, so you can mix this in natural fruit juice for example. It is very beneficial to the respiratory system and also to the skin.

    Cayenne pepper

    CBD Oil - can be good when you have certain infections

    Cinnamon - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial

    Iodine - if you have a shortage of that, you will be more tired and more sensitive to heat, cold, etc.

    Meat - lamb, chicken, beef & duck, unless you are vegan of course. It is good not to take every day in the week meat

    Onions/ Garlic/ Ginger - Antibacterial properties

    Silverwater - has good results on infections

    Triphala - a well-recognized and highly efficacious polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine consisting of fruits of the plant species Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Terminalia bellerica (Bibhitaki), and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), is a cornerstone of gastrointestinal and rejuvenative treatment

    Turmeric with black pepper - Antibacterial properties

    Soy - this is a plant that naturally filters out heavy materials from the ground. Do not eat much, else it will be negative for you. Japanese people use it in moderation

    Stevia - it is a good sugar replacement if you consume much sugar, though do use in moderation. On itself it's not beneficial to use

    Spiritual/ Emotional things that are important

    Thankfulness - have a positive & grateful attitude, even if there is little to be grateful about

    Mindset - act from being interested and wanting to take care of yourself & interact or help others

    Focus - what you focus on increases. Do not focus on fear, also not subconsciously

    Belief - what you believe in happens

    Willing to change - People only change if they really want to. If not, they will always find a reason not to do something

    Empathic - be interested in the other, be compassionate in their suffering, listen well

    Listening - real, active listening

    Letting go - you can't do or change everything. Don't put the goals for yourself too high, else it will wear you down

    List of items that are/ can be harmful

    Some items are harmful in smaller or larger quantities in the human body

    Deodorants - aluminium, is dangerous to the brain because larger quantities cannot that easily be broken off

    Suntans - titanium dioxide. ALthough scientists say this only remains on the skin and is not absorbed through the skin pores, it remains doubtful

    Tap water - the water quality depends on the country, but in the Netherlands drinking water can contain - plastic, pfas, chemicals, etc.

    Cooking pans/ frying pans - can contain pfas, that can give off when cooking for a longer time

    Processed foods/ Fast foods - hamburgers, fries, etc. are things you can eat once in a while, but you should really avoid them on a daily base

    Refined sugars, aspartame - Avoid these

    Medications - sometimes the doctors just prescribe medication very quickly and frequently. Some medications have harmful effects on the human body while it can be solved naturally, but often doctors say there is no demonstrable relationship between the herb and the human body, which is easy to say

    Pork - do not eat pork meat, first, pigs clear about anything from the soil and second, the DNA stucture is similar to humans; and may on long term cause auto immune diseases if you eat it frequently

    Shellfish - do not eat animals like shrimps as they are ocean/ sea cleaners, filter metal and other toxicants from the bottom of the sea

    Eels, etc. - same as shellfish

    Horse - I wouldn't recommend

    Any hunter birds - Owl, hawk, falcon, don't eat them since they eat animals that may contain diseases for humans

    Ravens, crows, etc. - don't eat, but who eats them anyways?

    Science & Medical

    Please note that many doctors, food specialists, dietists, science people, psychologistcs do not recognise many alternative foods by saying there is no evidence for any traces of health. Just because they studied and deduct everything rationally, it doesn't mean science & the medical world know everything. However eventhough their approces may sometimes be good, but can also be theoretical as in,

  • Limited or one sided in measuring, the medical world makes some tests on one of two qualifies of the product and if they are not in line with some criteria, they reject the whole product
  • Measured only to a specific type of people, so some groups of the population are left out
  • Science sometimes working together with certain industries that aim for commercial profit and do not have the best intentions for people in mind, unless the government regulates the companies to improve

    For example in the Netherlands after the second world war, there was a surplus on produced cow milk. Thus the government recommended milk to everyone and let their doctors and scientists promote it because it has calcium and was thus good for bone growth. Now years later, it appears that cow milk isn't really good for the bones and there are reports that it breaks off calcium in the bones even.

    Another example is stevia, a plant which can replace sugar. Years ago it was banned because it was unhealthy in larger quantities, fearing people would misuse it. However, why was sugar not banned which is even more toxic and unhealthy?

    Coconut oil is through the ages used in many treatments of yeast infections and improvement of the immune system, however science finds there are no scientific evidence for such claims and debunk it even as fat making. However they only test it on unhealthy fats, the healthy fats are ignored and on some components, but there are many more in them, much more than they can test and the immune system is a complex whole.

    Because of the overweight issues in society, many governments pushed companies to tackle these problems. However many companies made 'light' products with less carbohydrates, but more strange conservatives not really being an improvement. Also some doctors get sponsored by some big companies who say that a little sugar doesn't matter so much in products

    Though not everyone believes in spiritual things, I would like to mention science also often denies many spiritual things, such as a spiritual body or an energy body. They often redicule it saying it is not scienctific or that it cannot be scientifically proven. However, a healthy spirit is beneficial for a healthy person. Some negative feelings, depressions, thoughts etc. are spiritual and cannot be driven away just with sleeping pills, causing people to wander around with vague problems for years.