Quest for the Cosmic Relics

Information page about the Quest for the Cosmic Relics SCI-FI Novel

A book in the making about a group of brave adventurers exploring the cosmos in their trusted starfighter spaceship under the lead of the legendary commander Falcon

In the distant future of the vast expanse of the multiverse, where galaxies stretched like tapestries of stardust, and wars were fought in places afar, a group of intrepid adventurers embarked on a perilous quest and mission in search of the legendary Starforged Relic.

These are the brave heroes of this particular story:

Falcon - The quest was led by the resolute Army Commander Falcon, a stalwart figure standing firmly encased in impenetrable full plated armor, his powerfist weapon gleaming with a promise of might and victory. He led a band of fearless adventurers on quests to unearth treasures hidden within ancient dungeons and ruins scattered among distant planets.

Iceman - by his side was the venerable Archmage Iceman, a figure of quiet contemplation in night blue robes whose mastery over arcane and elemental magic was unmatched. His spells were dancing with the colors of the aurora. He was a true confidante of Falcon who often sought his advice and could turn the tides of battle with a just flick of his wrist.

Sneaker - a polite and respectful advisor, known in the halls of Gnome City as Gnomos, served not only as Falcon's right hand and trusted ally, but also held the esteemed title of Advisor to the Gnome King Telemachus IV. His mastery over a variety of magical spells and arcane arts, together with this roguelike skills to fix electrical devices and remove traps made him an invaluable asset.

Bomb - the valiant paladin, fierce and unyielding, clad in resplendent silver armor, wielded a fearsome mobile twin-linked laser cannon and possessed an unrelenting and burning hatred for all things evil. He also had a mighty sword that shone with a divine light. His aggressive nature was tempered only by the trust he placed in Falcon's leadership.

Arrex - the submissive and devoted priest, known by all accounts as the most loyal person in the group. Arrex is a healer priest who is always ready to offer his assistance and healing abilities to those in need

Lazer - with them traveled Lazer, a swift, nimble and lethal robot armed with dual laser guns, having a streak of energy and destruction. He proved invaluable darting ahead to scout and strike. Lazer moved with such blinding speed which was so much beyond human comprehension, that he often left his companions in awe.

Skull - and then there was the enigmatic skeleton warrior, Skull, draped in black full plated armor, his mysterious and eerie presence as foreboding as his deep, whispered breaths that resonated like distant echos. He spoke little, but his actions with his colossal magical greatsword spoke volumes. His hollow gaze betrayed neither fear nor fatigue, a sentinel of the spectral realm.

Madman - is a pilot of the party’s Starfighter spaceship. The audacious and somewhat crazy Madman, carried them from one distant planet to the next. Appropriately named, his heart that thrummed to the rhythm of cosmic chaos, mirroring his eccentric and perilous flying style. With reckless abandon, he navigated the expanse of the universe.

And more adventurers they met…over time

Together, this formidable crew traversed the cosmos, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for ancient treasures, carrying each other’s burdens in spite of their differences. Each step they took echoed with the weight of destiny, for they were more than just adventurers; they were the legends of future space worlds.