Moonshire - Area Information

Area information

The region of the Moonshire contains different areas, with different capitals. A capital is the main location of one part of the lands. Multiple smaller and larger towns report to the nobles in their local capital and also they can count on protection when needed or in more difficult times. The capitals are also visible on the map and details are recorded in this chapter below. There are the follwing capitals.

  • Silverdale - North/ Middle of the Moonshire area
  • Derby - East of the Moonshire area
  • Bremen - North West of the Moonshire area
  • Calador - South of the Moonshire area
  • Highwood - South west of the Moonshire area
  • Stone’s Way - South east of the Moonshire area

    City & Town Overview

    Silverdale - the Capital of the Moonshire region, known for its intricate bureaucracy, sprawling administrative buildings, and political intrigue, where laws are made and disputes settled

    Forestville - Nestled within dense woodlands, known for its natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere
    Lakeville - Situated by a pristine lake, popular for fishing and boating
    Tradeville - Bustling hub of commerce and trade, known for its bustling markets and merchants
    Royal Oak - Home to the ancient Royal Oak tree, a symbol of strength and stability
    Silverdale Port - Gateway to the sea, bustling with maritime activity and trade
    Traveller's Inn - Welcoming haven for weary adventurers and travelers; also an important trading place in the middle of the lands

    Derby - large city east of the lands, flourishing coastal metropolis with a vibrant maritime culture, bustling docks, and bustling trade routes, serving as a gateway to distant lands across the sea

    Derby Port - Thriving port city, vital for trade and naval operations
    Tower of High Sorcery - Mysterious citadel where powerful sorcerers hone their craft
    Silverdale Bay - Scenic bay offering breathtaking views and strategic importance
    Silver Leaf Forest - Enchanted woods shrouded in mystique and ancient lore
    The Green Woods - Verdant forest teeming with life and natural wonders
    The Old Forest - Ancient woodland rumored to be haunted by spirits of the past
    Wayward Forest - Wild and untamed wilderness, challenging to navigate
    The Marshes - Soggy wetlands filled with exotic flora and fauna

    Bremen - Large city west of the lands, renowned for its rugged terrain, harsh climate, and formidable fortifications, a bastion against northern threats, where resilience and strength are valued above all

    Grayrock - Stony terrain, known for its resilient inhabitants and sturdy fortifications
    Sundale - Sun-kissed plains dotted with quaint farmsteads and villages
    Coin’s Luck - Prosperous mining town, where luck and fortune are found in the earth
    Windmere - Blustery coastal town, renowned for its skilled sailors and fishermen
    Bremen’s Run - Thriving river port, bustling with river trade and commerce
    New Haven - Refuge for those seeking a fresh start, built upon the ruins of an ancient settlement
    Orc Ville - Outpost inhabited by a diverse array of orcish tribes and clans
    Westend Lake - Serene lake offering respite and recreation to weary travelers
    Northern Forest - Dense woodland home to elusive creatures and hidden treasures
    Westend Hills - Rolling hillsides offering stunning vistas and pastoral landscapes

    Calador - large city south of the lands, mystical haven of wizards and scholars, where arcane knowledge is pursued and ancient secrets are guarded, a place of wonder and mystery

    Lumberville - Industrious logging town, where the sound of saws echoes through the forest
    Allington - Quaint village known for its picturesque cottages and friendly locals
    Dustbarn - Dusty outpost on the edge of the desert, where travelers rest before venturing forth
    Smokeville - Hazy settlement, perpetually shrouded in the smoke of its bustling forges
    Road’s End - Final stop for weary travelers before they embark on the long journey ahead
    Lunar Tower - Mysterious structure said to hold ancient secrets and arcane power
    Fisherman’s Lake - Tranquil fishing spot beloved by locals and visitors alike
    Thunder Mountains - Majestic peaks where storms rage and lightning dances across the sky
    Three Stone Mountains - Mysterious range said to hold the key to unlocking hidden treasures

    Highwood - Mysterious and well organized Elven capital, a tranquil sanctuary nestled amidst ancient trees and shimmering glades, where harmony with nature is paramount, and the arts of magic and music intertwine

    Allurin - Enchanted city nestled among the trees, where magic and nature intertwine
    Silvernost - City of silver spires, home to artisans and craftsmen of unparalleled skill
    Sparrow’s End - Idyllic village known for its harmonious coexistence with the natural world
    Sien-Tan - Sacred grove where ancient rituals and ceremonies are performed
    Luck’s End - Serene oasis of luck and fortune, guarded by mystical guardians
    Utroll - Hidden enclave where the elves practice their ancient martial arts and wisdom
    The Grove - Heart of elven culture and society, where traditions are upheld and celebrated
    Mush - Lush and verdant valley, teeming with life and vibrant colors
    Southern Jungle - a rough and hard to explore area, where danger lurks amidst the dense foliage

    Stone’s Way - large city of dwarves, gnomes & halflings near the mountains, bustling hub of industry and craftsmanship, where the clang of hammers and the glow of forges illuminate the subterranean tunnels, and the spirit of ingenuity thrives among the stone halls and winding passages

    Batuk - Bustling mining town known for its rich deposits of precious stones and minerals

    The Great Sea - a large sea where all kinds of ships enter and leave

    Islands - these are away from the mainland, mysterious and remote, home to exotic flora and fauna

    Areas of the Lands

    The Marshes: an area with much mud, water, old trees and quicksand

    The Traveller’s Inn: a famous inn, in the middle of the country. There are often many travelers here and various goods are traded. The famous knight of the circle John Mitchells guards the place here

    Tower of High Sorcery: a variety of wizards live in these towers, experimenting with magic. The 3 types of wizard robes, the white robs of good, red robes of neutrality and black robes of evil are all living together here. The state tolerates them due to the rulership of the lenient king Archibald.

    Trade & Goods Information


    Legal documents and contracts - Due to its bureaucratic nature, Silverdale is a hub for legal affairs, with various legal documents, contracts, and agreements being traded and processed.
    Precious metals and gems - Silverdale's wealth and influence attract traders dealing in precious metals and gems, used for both decorative and monetary purposes.
    Fine textiles and clothing - The city's affluent population demands high-quality textiles and clothing, leading to a thriving trade in fine fabrics and garments.
    Exotic spices and herbs - Imported from distant lands, exotic spices and herbs are highly sought after in Silverdale, adding flavor and variety to the local cuisine.
    Artisanal crafts and pottery - Silverdale boasts a rich tradition of craftsmanship, with artisans producing exquisite pottery, ceramics, and other handmade goods coveted by collectors and connoisseurs.


    Seafood - Being a coastal city, Derby's primary export is seafood, including fish, shellfish, and seaweed, harvested from the bountiful waters of the Great Sea.
    Shipbuilding materials - With a thriving maritime industry, Derby trades in various shipbuilding materials such as timber, lumber, sails, and ropes, essential for constructing and repairing vessels.
    Pearls and mother-of-pearl - Derby's proximity to oyster beds allows for the harvesting of pearls and mother-of-pearl, prized for their iridescent beauty and used in jewelry and decorative items.
    Salt - Produced from seawater through evaporation, salt is a valuable commodity in Derby, used not only for seasoning food but also for preserving fish and other perishable goods.
    Nautical instruments and navigation tools - Traders in Derby deal in nautical instruments and navigation tools, catering to the needs of sailors and ship captains navigating the treacherous waters of the Great Sea.


    Iron and steel - Bremen's rugged landscape is rich in iron ore, leading to a thriving trade in iron and steel, used for weaponry, tools, and construction.
    Fur and pelts - The harsh climate of Bremen's northwest region provides abundant opportunities for hunting and trapping, resulting in a trade in fur and pelts from various animals such as wolves, bears, and foxes.
    Timber and lumber - Despite the challenging terrain, Bremen's forests yield valuable timber and lumber, essential for construction, shipbuilding, and crafting.
    Wool and textiles - Sheep farming is prevalent in Bremen's hinterlands, providing wool for the textile industry, where it is spun, woven, and dyed into fabrics and clothing.
    Pottery and ceramics - Bremen is renowned for its pottery and ceramics, crafted from the region's clay deposits and traded for their durability and craftsmanship.


    Magical artifacts and spell components - As a center of arcane knowledge and wizardry, Calador trades in magical artifacts, enchanted items, and rare spell components sought after by wizards and practitioners of the arcane arts.
    Alchemical supplies - Alchemy thrives in Calador, with traders dealing in various alchemical supplies such as potions, elixirs, reagents, and rare herbs used for experimentation and potion-making.
    Rare books and scrolls - Calador's libraries and academies house ancient tomes, grimoires, and scrolls containing invaluable knowledge and spells, traded among scholars and collectors.
    Exotic magical creatures - Exotic magical creatures such as familiars, elementals, and magical beasts are bought and sold in Calador's markets, coveted for their mystical properties and abilities.
    Enchanted jewelry and accessories - Crafted by skilled enchanters and jewelers, enchanted jewelry and accessories imbued with magical properties are popular items traded in Calador's magical marketplace.


    Elven craftsmanship - Highwood is renowned for its elven craftsmanship, with traders dealing in exquisite elven weapons, armor, jewelry, and works of art, known for their elegance and beauty.
    Rare herbs and botanicals - The lush forests surrounding Highwood are home to rare herbs, plants, and botanicals with unique magical properties, traded among druids, herbalists, and alchemists.
    Elven wine and spirits - Highwood's vineyards produce some of the finest wines and spirits in the region, made from locally grown grapes and infused with elven magic, sought after by connoisseurs and collectors.
    Arcane artifacts and relics - Highwood's ancient ruins and mystical sites yield arcane artifacts and relics dating back to ancient times, traded among scholars, adventurers, and collectors for their historical and magical significance.
    Exotic fruits and forest produce - Highwood's fertile lands produce a variety of exotic fruits, nuts, and forest produce, harvested by elven farmers and traders for both sustenance and trade.

    Stone’s Way

    Precious metals and gemstones - Nestled within the mountains, Stone’s Way is rich in precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper, as well as gemstones like rubies, emeralds, and sapphires, mined from deep within the earth.
    Dwarven crafts and weaponry - The skilled craftsmen of Stone’s Way produce renowned dwarven crafts and weaponry, including sturdy armor, finely crafted weapons, and intricate metalwork sought after by adventurers and warriors.
    Gnomish inventions and contraptions - Stone’s Way is home to inventive gnomes who trade in a variety of ingenious inventions, gadgets, and contraptions, ranging from clockwork automatons to mechanical marvels.
    Halfling agricultural produce - Surrounding the city, fertile farmlands tend to by halfling farmers yield an abundance of agricultural produce, including grains, vegetables, and fruits, traded for their freshness and quality.
    Stonework and masonry - Skilled stonemasons and builders in Stone’s Way quarry and shape the region's sturdy granite and marble into bricks, blocks, and sculptures, used for construction and architectural projects throughout the region.

  • Town: Royal Oak

    Item Description
    Adventurers Guild - Meeting place of brave adventurers
    Apothecary - Sells ointments, salves etc.
    Barracks/ Armory - Place of the guards, and the armour
    Bank - Deals in money, gems, lending, etc.
    Farms - Peasant houses, most are around town and not inside
    Graveyard - Where the dead are buried, it also has a stone morgue building
    Grocery Store - Buy food and household equipment here
    Houses - Commoner's houses
    Inn - Rupert’s Finest inn
    Jeweler - Sells and cuts jewels, also sells art
    Library - One can borrow books there
    Mage Guild - A small mage guild is here, one needs to be a member
    Marketplace - Weekly market place is on the town's square
    Mayor’s House - the house of the mayor, is lying outside town
    Nobles Houses - Some nobles live inside more luxurious homes in town
    Smithy - Where the Blacksmith resides; one can buy & repair weapons and armour here
    Stables - Horse trader
    Tavern - ‘The monkey’, a smaller tavern than Rupert's Finest Inn
    Temples - For priests to pray, meditate, rest, do piety work, etc.
    Thieves Guild - Where is it?
    Town Hall - The officials and councillors gather here for administration work, discuss the latest updates, voting for ideas, etc.
    Supply store - Buy your standard supplies here
    Zoo - Up a hill near the town is a zoo containing various animals, also exotic ones, lions, bears, tigers, monkeys

    Abandoned huts - Uninhabited huts outside town
    Forest - A thin forest is near Royal Oak, containing trees & bushes
    Forest - Oak trees are at the other side of Royal Oak
    Rocks - Some medium rocks and hilly area is nearby
    Road - Some roads are nearby
    Watermill - An old watermill is outside town

    Other Kingdoms These are kingdoms outside of the Moonshire Realm

    Andieux - A human kingdom near the coast
    Ansalon - A human kingdom, ruled by a monarch
    Ardonne - An elven kingdom near the coast
    Logkarst - A multi cultural kingdom, ruled by a council
    Phalanx - An allied country mainly populated by various humans, King Reginald, skilled at seafaring and has many scholars. The capital Lyonne has a lot of exchange of people, goods, various trade, etc. with Silverdale
    Stone Haven - Dwarves, gnomes and halflings live here
    Vortax - A rougher area with barbarians

    The Great Sea
    The Small Pacific
    The Great Pacific
    Eastern Islands
    The Cold Waters