Writings - Dwarven Elite Squad

Modern day, an elite dwarven squad from the mountains joins a modern army. Are they up to date?

The army barracks stood tall and sturdy, its stone walls weathered by years of use. Inside, the atmosphere was bustling with activity as soldiers hurried to and fro, preparing for their various duties. Wooden tables littered with maps and reports filled the central hall, while the air was thick with the scent of sweat and metal. Despite its rugged appearance, there was an air of camaraderie among the soldiers, each one ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The dwarves stood apart from the human soldiers, their sturdy frames and bearded faces a stark contrast to the more slender figures of their hosts. Clad in heavy armor adorned with intricate runes and symbols, they exuded an aura of resilience and determination. Each one bore the mark of their mountain home, with eyes that gleamed with a fierce inner fire and hands calloused from years of toil. Though their voices were gruff and their mannerisms blunt, there was no mistaking the sense of loyalty and honor that bound them together.

Lieutenant Allistair's voice echoed through the barracks, commanding the attention of the dwarven squad as they gathered around him. His tone was stern yet resolute, reflecting the gravity of the situation they were about to face.

"All right, listen up, dwarves," Allistair began, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group. "We've got a situation down at Blacksmith Street. Reports of thugs causing trouble. Your mission is to arrest them and bring them in for questioning."

Sergeant Drunn, the leader of the dwarven squad, nodded in acknowledgment. "Understood, Lieutenant. We'll handle it."

"Good," Allistair replied, his expression unwavering. "Make sure to gear up before you head out. Kevlar vests are over there, and you can choose your weapons from the armory."

Drunn turned to his comrades, his voice firm. "Alright lads, let's gear up. We'll need to be prepared for anything."

With a sense of purpose, the dwarves moved swiftly to equip themselves, the clatter of armor and weapons filling the air as they prepared for the task ahead. Each one knew the importance of their mission, and they were determined to see it through to the end, no matter the obstacles they might face.

The armory was a treasure trove of weapons and gear, its shelves lined with rows upon rows of rifles, pistols, and melee weapons. Kevlar vests hung neatly on hooks along one wall, while crates of ammunition were stacked haphazardly in the corner. The air was heavy with the scent of gun oil and leather, while the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed throughout the room as soldiers tested their weapons. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of order to the chaos, with each item meticulously organized and ready for use at a moment's notice.

Grimm: I'll take a rifle. Long range is always handy.

Thorn: Give me a hammer and a dagger. I prefer to get up close and personal.

Gromm: I'll stick with a gun. Can't go wrong with a classic.

Drokk: I'll grab a vest and a dagger. Don't need much else to handle these street rats.

Borin: I'll go for the hammer. Time to show these thugs the strength of dwarven craftsmanship.

Baelor: And I'll take a rifle. Let's make sure we bring these troublemakers to justice.

Drunn: Alright, everyone geared up? Let's move out.

Grimm: You think these humans can handle themselves, Drunn?

Drunn: They may lack our strength, but they've got their own ways. We're here to lend a hand where we can.

Thorn: Aye, but I still don't trust those rifles. Nothing beats the feel of a good hammer in your hand.

Gromm: Just keep your eyes open and your wits about you. We'll get through this just fine.

As the dwarves emerged from the barracks, they couldn't help but notice the curious stares from the human military personnel. Whispers and murmurs followed in their wake as soldiers openly wondered why the state had hired dwarves to assist them. Some eyed the dwarves with skepticism, while others regarded them with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

Undeterred by the attention, the dwarves marched out onto the streets in a steady, purposeful stride. Their heavy boots echoed against the cobblestones, a rhythmic cadence that seemed to announce their presence with authority. Passersby paused to watch as the dwarves passed, their expressions ranging from surprise to admiration.

Drunn, leading the procession, paid little heed to the stares and whispers. His gaze remained fixed ahead, his jaw set with determination. Behind him, his companions followed suit, their faces set in stoic determination as they prepared for the task ahead.

Despite the uncertainty and curiosity that surrounded them, the dwarves remained resolute in their duty. They had come to aid their human allies in their time of need, and nothing would deter them from their mission.

Human Soldier: Hey, look at that. Dwarves in the ranks. What's the state thinking, hiring them?

Another Soldier: Beats me. Maybe they're desperate for reinforcements.

Dwarf (Gromm): Keep moving, lads. Let them talk. We've got a job to do.

Thorn: Aye, let them gawk all they want. We'll show 'em what dwarves are made of.

Drunn: Stay focused, everyone. We've got a job to do, and we're not here to win any popularity contests.

Borin: But wouldn't hurt to earn a bit of respect while we're at it, eh?

Grimm: Respect is earned through action, not idle chatter. Let's show them what we're capable of out on the streets.

Drokk: Agreed. Let's make sure those thugs regret crossing paths with dwarven justice.

Baelor: They may question our presence now, but they'll thank us when we've cleaned up this mess.

Drunn: Enough talk. Let's move out and show these humans what dwarves are made of.

Human Sergeant: Well, well, looks like the dwarves decided to grace us with their presence. What's next, talking dragons joining the army?

Lieutenant: Hey, don't give them any ideas. Knowing our luck, we'd end up with a whole legion of them.

Human Sergeant: Ha! Can you imagine? We'd have to build special barracks just to accommodate their size.

Lieutenant: And can you imagine the mess they'd make in the mess hall? We'd be cleaning up dragon scales for weeks.

Human Sergeant: True enough. But hey, if they can get the job done, I won't complain. Just as long as they don't start asking for gold as payment.

Lieutenant: Agreed. Let's just hope they're as good at fighting thugs as they are at mining gold.

As the dwarves approached the armored carrier APC bus, its imposing presence loomed before them, its steel exterior gleaming in the sunlight. The mounted machine gun atop the vehicle hinted at its formidable capabilities, a stark reminder of the dangers that awaited them on their journey.

Drunn: Alright lads, let's get this beast started. We've got a town to reach and thugs to apprehend.

Grimm: Aye, let's hope this thing's as sturdy as it looks. Wouldn't want to break down halfway there.

Thorn: I call dibs on the machine gun!

Drunn: No need for that, Thorn. We'll stick to the plan and stay inside the APC. Safety first, remember?

Thorn: Aw, come on, Drunn! It's not every day we get to ride on top of one of these things. Let us enjoy the fresh air and the wind in our beards.

Gromm: He's got a point, Drunn. Besides, who's gonna mess with a dwarf manning a machine gun?

Drunn: Fine, but stick to the discipline. We don't want any accidents up there.

Reluctantly, Drunn nodded, understanding the dwarves' desire for a bit of adventure. With a rumble of the engine, the APC lurched into motion, its treads grinding against the pavement as it began its journey to the neighboring town. The scenery passed by in a blur, the buildings and trees melting into a mosaic of colors as they sped along the road.

On the roof of the APC, the dwarves clung to the railing, their laughter mingling with the roar of the wind. For a brief moment, they were free from the confines of duty and responsibility, lost in the exhilaration of the open road.

But as they neared their destination, Drunn's voice rang out over the din, calling the dwarves back to their purpose.

Drunn: Alright lads, time to get down. We're approaching the town. Let's show them what dwarven discipline is all about.

As the armored carrier APC rolled into the town, it drew the attention of all who crossed its path. Townsfolk paused in their daily routines, their eyes widening in surprise as they caught sight of the dwarven occupants. Store workers peered out from behind shop windows, curiosity etched on their faces, while policemen exchanged puzzled glances as they watched the unusual sight unfold before them.

Drunn: Keep your heads held high, lads. We're here to do a job, nothing more.

Thorn: Aye, but it wouldn't hurt to give them a wave, eh? Show 'em we're friendly folk.

Gromm: Just focus on the task at hand, Thorn. We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention.

Despite Drunn's admonition, a few of the dwarves couldn't resist the urge to acknowledge the stares with a friendly nod or a wave of their hand. The townsfolk, taken aback by the unexpected gesture, responded with tentative smiles and waves of their own, their initial skepticism giving way to curiosity and even admiration.

As the armored carrier APC rumbled through the streets, the dwarves couldn't help but notice the change in atmosphere. Where once there had been apprehension and uncertainty, now there was a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. It seemed that, in the midst of their shared mission, the barriers between dwarf and human had begun to crumble, replaced by a newfound sense of solidarity.

Baelor: Looks like we've made quite the impression, eh?

Drunn: Aye, seems like they're warming up to us after all. Let's make sure we don't disappoint them.

As the dwarven squad made their way through the city streets, the scenery changed from the ordered chaos of the barracks to the bustling energy of the urban landscape. Buildings towered overhead, their facades a patchwork of colors and textures that spoke of years of history and growth. People bustled about, their voices blending together in a cacophony of sound as merchants hawked their wares and children played in the streets. Despite the hustle and bustle, there was an undercurrent of tension in the air, a palpable sense that trouble was brewing just beneath the surface.

As the dwarves approached Blacksmith Street, the tension in the air was palpable. The sight of the motorbikes and the thugs lounging about sent a clear message: trouble was brewing.

Drunn: Keep your wits about you, lads. These thugs may try to play nice, but we know better than to trust them at face value.

Grimm: Aye, looks like they're trying to butter us up with their friendly facade. But something tells me they're not as innocent as they seem.

Thorn: I say we give 'em a taste of dwarven justice and drag 'em in for questioning.

Drunn: Hold on, Thorn. Let's not be too hasty. We need to gather evidence first before we can make any arrests.

As the dwarves approached the thugs, their demeanor shifted, the air thick with tension as they exchanged wary glances.

Thug: Well, well, what do we have here? A bunch of pint-sized law enforcers?

Drunn: Cut the act, lad. We're here to ask you some questions about the reported disturbances in this area.

Thug: Disturbances? Us? Why, we're just a group of law-abiding citizens enjoying a leisurely ride through town.

Gromm: Don't buy it, Drunn. These scoundrels are up to something, I can smell it.

Drunn: Agreed, Gromm. We're getting nowhere with this lot. Let's search that old house over yonder. They won't object if they've got nothing to hide.

Thug: Hold on a minute! You can't just barge into someone's property without a warrant!

Drunn: Then we'll go get one. Come on, lads. We'll pay a visit to the local mayor and get the proper authorization.

With determination in their eyes, the dwarves turned away from the thugs and made their way towards the mayor's house, leaving the would-be troublemakers behind as they set out to uncover the truth hidden within the old abandoned house.

As the dwarves approached the mayor's house, they were met with a guarded expression from the mayor himself. His reluctance to entertain the notion of a military inspection, especially one involving dwarves, was evident in the furrow of his brow and the tightness of his jaw.

Drunn: Mayor, we're here on official business. We need a warrant to search a property on Blacksmith Street.

Mayor: Military inspection, you say? And dwarves, no less? This is highly irregular.

Grimm: We understand your concerns, Mayor, but we assure you, we're here to assist in maintaining order and upholding the law.

Mayor: Very well. I will consult with my councilor and see what can be arranged. But I cannot promise immediate action. These matters take time.

Drunn: We understand, Mayor. We'll await your decision.

Reluctantly, the mayor retreated into his house to confer with his councilor, leaving the dwarves to wait anxiously outside. Minutes turned into hours as they stood vigil, their patience wearing thin with each passing moment.

Thorn: Blast it all, this waiting is unbearable!

Gromm: Patience, Thorn. We must respect the mayor's authority and adhere to proper procedure.

Borin: Aye, but I don't like the idea of those thugs getting away while we're stuck here twiddling our thumbs.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the mayor emerged from his house, a piece of parchment in hand.

Mayor: I have consulted with my councilor, and we have agreed to issue you a warrant. It will be delivered to you within the hour.

Drunn: Thank you, Mayor. We appreciate your cooperation.

With the promise of a warrant in hand, the dwarves breathed a collective sigh of relief. Their patience had paid off, and now they could finally proceed with their investigation. But as they made their way back to Blacksmith Street, a sense of urgency gripped them, knowing that time was of the essence in apprehending the thugs and restoring order to the town.

As the dwarves cautiously approached the old house, their eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every detail with meticulous care. The thugs lounging in the garden behind the steel iron fence gave them wary glances, their demeanor tense as they watched the dwarves' approach.

Drunn: Let's take a moment to assess the situation. We need to be smart about this.

Grimm: Agreed. We should inspect the house from all angles before making any moves.

Thorn: Aye, and keep an eye out for any surprises. These thugs might have more tricks up their sleeves than we realize.

Carefully, the dwarves moved around the perimeter of the house, their senses on high alert as they searched for any signs of danger. But as they reached the back of the house, their hearts sank at the sight that greeted them.

Gromm, looking at the roof of the house: By the stones, what is that?

Borin: Is that...a clown?

Drokk: And is that...a bazooka?

Drunn: Blast it all. We've stumbled into something bigger than we anticipated.

Unease was felt on the bottom of their stomachs as they realized the gravity of the situation. A clown armed with a bazooka was on the top of the house in what looked like some sort of watch tower, obviously playing turret. This was not something to be taken lightly, especially when their own arsenal was sorely lacking in long-range firepower.

Baelor: We need to come up with a plan, and fast. That bazooka could make short work of us if we're not careful.

Drunn: Agreed. Let's use our binoculars to gather as much information as we can. We need to know what we're up against before we make our next move.

With a sense of urgency driving them forward, the dwarves raised their binoculars and began to survey the scene before them, their hearts heavy with the weight of the task ahead. They may have been ill-equipped for this confrontation, but one thing was for certain: they would not back down without a fight.

Grimm: By the forge, would you look at that clown? What's he doing with a bazooka?

Thorn: I don't know, but I don't like it. We need to figure out our next move fast.

Drunn, frowned his beard: these are licensed items, how did he even got hold of it?

Drokk: Maybe we can try to negotiate with them. Offer them a chance to surrender peacefully.

Borin: Negotiate with clowns wielding bazookas? You've got to be joking, Drokk.

Drunn: No, Borin's right. We can't take any chances with these thugs. We need to find a way to neutralize that clown and secure the area.

Gromm: I wish we had a sniper rifle right about now. That would make things a lot easier.

Baelor: Unfortunately, we'll have to make do with what we have. Let's focus on finding a weakness in their defenses.

With their binoculars trained on the clown and his deadly weapon, the dwarves continued to assess the situation, searching for any vulnerabilities they could exploit. Each passing moment only served to heighten their sense of urgency, knowing that one wrong move could spell disaster for them all. But as they scanned the area, a glimmer of hope began to emerge amidst the chaos, a plan forming in their minds as they prepared to confront the threat head-on.

Sergeant Drunn's brow furrowed with concern as he surveyed the scene before him. The clown atop the house, armed with a bazooka, sent shivers down his spine. He could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, the safety of his squad resting squarely on his shoulders.

"Dwarves," Drunn addressed his comrades, his voice tinged with urgency. "That clown with the bazooka... it bothers me more than I care to admit. He could wipe us out with a single shot if we're not careful."

Grimm, his trusted second-in-command, nodded in agreement. "Aye, I don't like the look of it either. We need to do something about it."

With a heavy heart, Drunn reached for his special army phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he dialed Lieutenant Allistair's number. After several rings, Allistair's voice crackled through the line.

"Allistair, it's Drunn. We've got a situation here. A clown with a bazooka. I need backup, and I need it now."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a skeptical response. "A clown with a bazooka, Drunn? Are you sure you're not letting your imagination run wild again?"

Drunn gritted his teeth, frustration bubbling to the surface. "This is no fantasy, Allistair. We're facing a real threat here, and we need support."

"I understand, Drunn," Allistair replied, his tone patronizing. "But we don't have the budget for a sniper. You'll have to handle this on your own."

Drunn's frustration reached a boiling point. "On our own? Against a clown with a bazooka? This is madness!"

But Allistair was unmoved. "I'm sorry, Drunn. You'll have to make do with what you have. Good luck."

As the line went dead, Drunn felt a surge of anger coursing through him. How could his commander be so dismissive in the face of such danger? With a heavy heart, he turned to his squad, determination burning bright in his eyes.

"Alright lads," he said, his voice resolute. "We may not have a sniper, but we've got each other. Let's go in there and take down that clown, no matter what it takes."

With a chorus of determined nods, the dwarves prepared to storm the house, knowing that their lives depended on their ability to overcome the odds stacked against them.

Drunn: There's a gap in the fence on the eastern side. It looks like we could slip through unnoticed if we're careful.

Grimm: That might be our best shot. We can use the element of surprise to our advantage.

Thorn: But what about the clown on the roof? We can't just ignore him.

Drokk: Maybe we can distract him somehow. Draw his attention away while the rest of us make our move.

Borin: I'll do it. I'll create a diversion and keep him occupied while you lot sneak in.

Baelor: Are you sure about this, Borin? It could be dangerous.

Borin: Aye, but we don't have much choice, do we? We need to take action, and fast.

Gromm: Alright then. Let's do this. Borin, you create the distraction. The rest of us will move in from the eastern side and take them by surprise.

With their plan in place, the dwarves steeled themselves for what lay ahead. The tension in the air was thick as they prepared to confront the thugs and their clown companion, knowing that the outcome of their mission hung in the balance. But with determination burning bright in their hearts, they moved forward as one, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on the other side of the fence.

As two dwarves approached the steel iron fence, they were met with wary gazes from the thugs lounging in the garden.

Thug: Hey, where's the rest of your dwarf buddies?

Grimm: They're around. We're just here to have a friendly chat.

Thug: Chat about what?

Baelor: About that clown of yours with the bazooka. Seems a bit excessive, don't you think?

Thug: Ah, don't worry about him. It's not even a real bazooka. Just for show, you know?

Grimm: Just for show, huh? Well, it's still a threat to society, if you ask me.

Thug: If you're so worried about it, why don't you come inside and take a look for yourselves?

Baelor: We appreciate the offer, but we'll pass.

Baelor was thinking to himself, We'd rather not go into a potentially hostile environment with just the two of us...

Meanwhile, the other four dwarves managed to sneak through the broken fence and make their way through the overgrown garden towards the abandoned cellar door. As they approached, they could feel the weight of anticipation hanging in the air, knowing that their comrades were engaging the thugs in conversation on the other side of the fence.

At the main entrance outside, the other two dwarves pretended to leave, only to circle back around through another road and join their comrades through the broken fence. Despite a few stumbling moments, they managed to regroup with the rest of the team, ready to invade the cellar and confront whatever dangers lay within.

Grimm: These thugs aren't giving us much to work with. They're either too confident or hiding something.

Baelor: Agreed. We need to stay vigilant. Let's not underestimate them.

Gromm: I don't like the idea of splitting up. What if things go south?

Thorn: We'll have to trust our instincts and each other. We've faced worse odds before.

Drunn: Our priority is to neutralize the threat and protect the town. Let's focus on that.

Borin: Aye, let's not waste any more time. We need to move quickly before they catch on to our plan.

With determination in their hearts, the dwarves reaffirmed their commitment to the mission. Despite the challenges ahead, they were ready to face them head-on, united in their resolve to bring justice to those who threatened the peace of their town.

Written by: Chris van Zuiden, 2024 (c)