Writings - Percy the Parrot

Another bedtime short story,

The Strategist

In a quaint town nestled between rolling hills and lush greenery, there lived a man named Oliver. His interior was decorated by vibrant and brilliant colors. Eventhough his home was lively, he still felt like he missed something. One day, he decided to add something to his quiet life by purchasing a nice parrot from the local pet shop. The storeowner said it was an intelligent bird with good manners. He named his feathered friend Percy.

Oliver spent days teaching Percy simple words and phrases, and to his delight, the parrot quickly caught on. For every new word Percy learned, Oliver rewarded him with a tasty cookie. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and Oliver couldn't help but marvel at Percy's intelligence.

However, as the sun dipped below the horizon and Oliver retired to bed, Percy's nightly escapades began. Unbeknownst to Oliver, his colorful companion took flight, soaring over the moonlit landscape to an unexpected destination.

Perched high on a hill overlooking the town, there stood a majestic castle that served as the meeting ground for the army and politics council. As the clock struck midnight, Percy gracefully glided into the council chambers, where important figures gathered to discuss matters of state.

The council members were astonished to see the hyperintelligent parrot amongst them. General Thompson, a seasoned military leader, was the first to approach Percy. "Good evening, feathered friend. How are you doing?" he inquired.

Percy, with eloquence that surprised them all, began sharing insights on political strategy and military tactics. His words resonated with wisdom, leaving the council members in awe of the avian advisor.

In the dimly lit council chambers, Percy perched on a gilded stand, surrounded by the influential figures of the country. The air thick with anticipation, General Thompson, a stern-faced military leader, spoke first.

General Thompson: "Percy, enlighten us on the intricacies of strategic warfare. What approach do you suggest in times of crisis?"

Percy, with a piercing gaze: "War is not merely a clash of arms; it is a test of intellect. Understand the psychology of your adversary, employ unconventional tactics, and exploit their weaknesses. Victory is not always in numbers but in the mastery of the mind."

Councillor Reynolds, a seasoned diplomat, chimed in.

Councillor Reynolds: "Percy, your insights are profound. How can we foster diplomacy in this volatile world?"

Percy, with a contemplative tone: "Diplomacy is an art, a delicate dance where words wield more power than swords. Establish trust, find common ground, and embrace the diversity of perspectives. A foundation built on mutual respect will weather the storms of international relations."

Minister Hawthorne, responsible for the country's prosperity, sought Percy's economic counsel.

Minister Hawthorne: "Percy, our economy faces challenges. What strategies do you propose for sustainable growth?"

Percy, with a sense of economic wisdom: "Balance is the key. Invest in innovation, encourage entrepreneurship, and prioritize environmental stewardship. A thriving economy is one that harmonizes with nature and nurtures the well-being of its citizens."

The high army officers were eager for Percy's thoughts on national security.

Colonel Ramirez, intrigued by Percy's replies, joined the conversation.

Colonel Ramirez: "Percy, in an ever-evolving world, how do we ensure the safety of our people?"

Percy, with a serious demeanor: "Security extends beyond borders. Collaborate with neighboring regions, invest in intelligence, and foster alliances based on shared values. A secure nation is one that builds bridges, not walls."

As Percy shared these profound insights, the council members and officers listened intently, realizing that the wisdom of this hyperintelligent parrot transcended their expectations. Percy, though a bird of simple origins, had become the guiding force behind the country's ascent to a new era of enlightenment.

Minister Hawthorne cleared his throat, addressing Percy with a hint of concern.

Minister Hawthorne: "Percy, we've proposed a budget allocation for 10,000 tanks to bolster our defense capabilities. What are your thoughts on this substantial investment?"

Percy, tilting his head with a discerning gaze: "Minister, while the need for a strong defense is undeniable, the allocation of resources should be a judicious endeavor. Are we investing in a deterrent force, or could these funds be directed towards initiatives that ensure long-term prosperity and stability?"

Colonel Ramirez: "Parrot, the tanks are crucial for our national security. They deter potential threats and safeguard our sovereignty. What alternative would you propose?"

Percy, emphasizing strategic foresight: "Colonel, a defensive stance is crucial, but let us not overlook the power of diplomacy. Allocating part of the budget to strengthen international alliances and invest in intelligence could prove equally effective in deterring conflicts. A balance between military might and diplomatic finesse ensures a more resilient nation."

Councillor Reynolds, known for his financial acumen, added his perspective.

Councillor Reynolds: "Percy, the budget is a reflection of our priorities. How do we strike the right balance between national security and socio-economic development?"

Percy, with a diplomatic nuance: "Councillor, true strength lies not only in military prowess but in the prosperity of our citizens. Consider allocating a portion of the budget to education, healthcare, and infrastructure. A robust society is the foundation upon which a formidable nation stands."

As Percy challenged the conventional approach to the ministry budget, a thoughtful hush fell over the council chambers. The exchange of ideas highlighted the complexity of decision-making, forcing the council members to contemplate a more nuanced and comprehensive strategy for the country's future.

Back at home, Oliver slept peacefully, unaware of Percy's double life. The parrot's nocturnal missions continued, and his influence grew. Ministers sought his counsel, officers valued his strategic input, and councillors admired his diplomatic finesse.

The following morning, as the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Oliver found Percy nestled in his cage, seemingly just an ordinary parrot again. Determined to continue their routine, Oliver picked up a simple book and began to read, but doubt lingered in his voice.

Oliver: "Percy, I found this book about children stories, but I have this doubt. I fear it might be a bit too complex for you."

Percy, with a twinkle in his eye and a humorous calmness in his voice: "Nah, read on, Oliver."

Oliver, slightly surprised by Percy's response, continued to read. Little did he know that while he was asleep, Percy had been immersed in discussions about politics, military strategy, and economic policies with the country's leaders.

As Oliver read the seemingly complicated words, Percy listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with a witty comment or a clever observation. It became evident that Percy's nocturnal adventures had not only expanded his own understanding but had also given him a unique perspective on the complexities of the world.

The juxtaposition of the simple book and the profound insights conveyed a delightful irony. Oliver couldn't help but marvel at the depth hidden beneath Percy's colorful feathers. As they continued their morning routine, the bond between the man and his parrot grew stronger, transcending the boundaries of the ordinary.

Each evening, after shaping the destiny of the country with his profound teachings, Percy would return to Oliver's home. The sun's first light would find him nestled comfortably in his cage, awaiting another day of simple words, cookies, and companionship.

The country flourished under the guidance of Percy, the parrot diplomat. Oliver, although oblivious to Percy's moonlit adventures, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his feathered friend. Little did he know that the vibrant parrot he bought for company was shaping the destiny of their community with every flap of his intelligent wings.

And so, in the quaint town surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery, Oliver and Percy continued their daily rituals, each moment a testament to the extraordinary journey they shared—whether in the simplicity of a bedtime story or the profound complexities of a parrot's moonlit wisdom.

The Artist

Oliver sat at his modest kitchen table, a sense of dread creeping over him as he stared at the overdue rent notice. His heart sank as he realized he was already a month behind on his payments, and now the landlord's representative was at his door, demanding $300 or eviction.

The knock on the door shattered the silence, and Oliver's anxiety skyrocketed. With a heavy sigh, he made his way to the entrance, his mind swirling with worry and fear.

Landlord's Representative: "Mr. Oliver, I'm here to collect the rent. You're already a month late, and if you don't pay up today, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to vacate the premises."

Oliver's shoulders slumped, the weight of impending homelessness pressing down on him. But just as despair threatened to consume him, a comforting voice chimed in from the corner of the room.

Percy, perched on his wooden stand, spoke in his simple, reassuring manner.

Percy: "Oliver, don't worry. I'll take care of it."

Oliver looked at Percy, his eyes widening with disbelief. Could his feathered friend really help him out of this dire situation?

With a newfound sense of hope, Oliver watched as Percy spread his vibrant wings and took flight into the night.

Meanwhile, under the cover of darkness, Percy found himself at a late night open art supply store, browsing the aisles for the perfect materials. With a determined gleam in his eye, he selected a palette of bold colors and a small canvas, ready to bring his vision to life.

Back at home, Percy set to work, his beak expertly guiding the brush as he painted a surrealistic masterpiece unlike anything the world had ever seen. The colors danced across the canvas, weaving a tale of wonder and imagination.

Once the painting was complete, Percy let it dry overnight before venturing out again, this time to a local art shop.

The store owner, a discerning connoisseur of fine art, inspected Percy's creation with a keen eye, marveling at the intricate details and vibrant composition.

Store Owner: "This is truly remarkable, a masterpiece in every sense of the word. Would $1000 for this small painting be insulting to you?"

Percy, ever the shrewd negotiator, raised a talon in consideration.

Percy: "How about $1200?"

The store owner readily agreed, recognizing the value of Percy's talent and creativity.

With the money secured, Percy flew back home, where Oliver awaited, his heart heavy with worry.

As Percy presented Oliver with the unexpected windfall, Oliver's eyes widened in astonishment.

Oliver: "Percy, where on earth did you get this money?"

Percy simply shook his head, a mysterious smile playing on his beak.

Percy: "Here, take it. Don't ask questions."

Though Oliver couldn't fathom the source of Percy's sudden wealth, he knew better than to question the inexplicable generosity of his beloved parrot. Some mysteries were best left unsolved, and in that moment, Oliver chose to embrace the magic of the unknown, grateful for the unwavering support of his faithful friend.

The Capture

As Percy strolled along the old wooden fence, basking in the warmth of the sun and the freedom of the open sky, his leisurely reverie was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a dog catcher.

Dog Catcher: "Hey, you there! Where's your collar and tag? Don't you know the rules for wandering pets?"

Percy, bristling with indignation, retorted passionately:

Percy: "Rules? Ha! Those are for cats and dogs, not for sophisticated birds like me! Now buzz off before I give you a piece of my mind!"

Dog Catcher: "You're a feisty one, aren't you? But rules are rules, and I can't let you roam free without proper identification."

Percy, his feathers ruffled but his spirit unbroken, shot back with a sharp wit:

Percy: "Identification? Ha! I'm more than just a name on a tag, I'm a free spirit soaring through the skies! You can't cage me with your petty rules!"

The dog catcher, undeterred by Percy's fiery spirit, attempted to apprehend him. But Percy, fueled by righteous anger, fought back with all his might, hurling insults and pecks in equal measure.

Percy, struggling, said: "You call yourself a dog catcher? More like a bumbling buffoon with a net!"

The dog catcher lunges forward, brandishing a net with determination etched on his face. His eyes gleam with determination as he prepares to capture the elusive parrot.

Dog Catcher, attempting to grapple Percy: "Watch your beak, birdie! I'll have you know I'm just doing my job."

With lightning speed, the dog catcher thrusts the net towards Percy, hoping to ensnare him in its mesh. But Percy, quick as a flash, dodges to the side, narrowly avoiding capture.

Percy, undeterred by the threat, fired back with a smirk:

Percy: "Your job? Ha! I've seen more competence in a flock of pigeons! You couldn't catch a cold in a blizzard!"

Undeterred by Percy's evasion, the dog catcher presses on, his movements fueled by a mixture of frustration and determination. With gritted teeth, he swings the net again, this time aiming to trap Percy against the fence.

The dog catcher's face flushed with anger, but Percy continued to taunt him with his sharp wit:

Percy: "And what's with that uniform? Did you raid the bargain bin at the costume store? You look like a rejected extra from a cheesy cop show!"

Percy, ever the nimble adversary, counters the attack with a flurry of feathers and beak. With a swift strike, he pecks at the dog catcher's outstretched hand, causing him to recoil in pain.

With each insult, Percy's confidence grew, his defiance shining like a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of captivity.

As the struggle intensifies, Percy unleashes a barrage of insults and taunts, each word striking like a verbal blow to the dog catcher's pride. With each insult, Percy's defiance grows, fueling his determination to escape the clutches of his would-be captor.

In a final desperate bid for freedom, Percy lunges forward, his beak aimed squarely at the dog catcher's hand. With a triumphant cry, he delivers a swift peck, however not entirely avoiding the dog catcher's net.

Their struggle raged on until Percy found himself trapped in the back of the dog catcher's car, alongside a motley crew of captured canines.

The car drove off quickly, heading to the other side of town.

Percy was taken to the asylum and thrown into a big cage, where he was greeted by a chorus of barks and whines from his canine companions.

And as the night wore on and Percy plotted his daring escape, his words of defiance echoed in the hearts of his fellow captives, inspiring them to stand tall and fight for their freedom against all odds. Percy, ever the charismatic leader, rallied the captured dogs with words of encouragement and solidarity:

Percy: "Listen up, my furry friends! We may be locked in cages now, but our spirits remain unbroken! Together, we'll show this dog catcher that no cage can contain our indomitable spirit!"

Undeterred by his confinement, Percy bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When night fell and the dog catcher finally succumbed to sleep, Percy retrieved a chisel hidden between his feathers and set to work, slowly but steadily chiseling away at the bars of his cage.

As he worked, Percy regaled his canine companions with tales of rebellion and freedom, encouraging them to stand tall against their captor.

Eventually, with the bars weakened and the dogs emboldened, Percy led the daring escape, quietly walking on tiptoe with some of the dogs following right behind him.

When he arrived on the table where the dog catcher was sleeping, he found the keys and took them. He went back to the cages and released all the other imprisoned animals into the night.

Chaos ensued as the dog catcher awoke to find his asylum in disarray, his grasp on the situation slipping through his fingers like sand. He tried to reach for his net and capture a few of the fleeing dogs, but he stumbled over his net and and was overrun by some of the dogs who hurriedly bolted to the door.

In the aftermath of the chaotic escape orchestrated by Percy and his furry comrades, the dog catcher finds himself faced with the daunting task of explaining the inexplicable to the Mayor. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he mutters to himself in dismay:

Dog Catcher: "Oh, this is just great. Mister Mayor is not going to be happy about this mess. How am I supposed to explain a mass pet jailbreak?"

As he surveys the chaos before him, his frustration mounts with each passing second. He scratches his head in disbelief, trying to come up with a plausible story to salvage the situation.

Dog Catcher: "Maybe I can blame it on... no, that won't work. And what about... no, that's even worse. Ugh, why did I have to encounter such a crafty parrot and his band of rebellious pets?"

As he eyes the scene of pandemonium before him—empty cages, scattered feathers, and a trail of liberated pets disappearing into the night—the weight of his failure hangs heavy on his shoulders. With each passing moment, the realization dawns that his carefully crafted excuses and justifications will do little to assuage Mister Mayor, knowing full well that he'll have to face the music when he inevitably reports back to him.

But as he scrambles to come up with a plausible explanation, the dog catcher can't help but feel a begrudging admiration for the cleverness and tenacity of the avian instigator who had outsmarted him at every turn. With a defeated sigh, he resigns himself to the inevitable reckoning that awaits him, knowing that no amount of deception can change the fact that he had been outfoxed by a hyperintelligent bird and his band of furry accomplices.

Dog Catcher: "Well, there's no use dwelling on it now. I'll just have to come clean and hope for the best. But first, I need to figure out how to clean up this mess before anyone notices."

Meanwhile as Percy soared back home, he was satisfied with his triumph. He flew home under the cover of darkness, his heart brimming with pride and couldn't help but reflect on the power of unity and resilience in the face of tyranny.

The next morning, as Oliver perused the local newspaper, his eyes widened in astonishment at the headline detailing the daring escape orchestrated by a mysterious avian accomplice.

Oliver: "Well, would you look at that, Percy! Quite the adventure, wouldn't you say?"

Percy, feigning innocence with a mischievous glint in his eye, replied with a chuckle:

Percy: "Oh, absolutely, Oliver! But you know me, just a simple bird enjoying the breeze. Nothing to do with all that excitement, I assure you!"

Oliver couldn't help but laugh at Percy's playful demeanor, though deep down, he suspected his colorful companion had played a more significant role in the escapade than he let on. But as they shared a knowing glance, Oliver decided that some mysteries were best left unsolved, content in the knowledge that he shared his home with a bird as clever as he was mischievous.

Written by: Chris van Zuiden, 2024 (c)